Love-Speak was designed to encourage children of ALL AGES to watch their words. The Love-Speak challenge asks participants to enter the challenge by CRACKING AN EGG and posting it on the Instagram site, LoveSpeakChallenge. You can also upload your video to the Facebook page, Love-Speak. Participants in the Challenge agree to watch their words for 7 days, speak words that bring life, edify and build up, and nominate their friends and family to join the challenge. Remember to wear something red as a reminder that you are in the challenge!
Our Mission
To increase awareness of the words we use because our words contain the power of life and death. The Love-Speak challenge encourages people to speak LIFE through thoughtful and loving words, spoken, written or typed.
How we Love with Words
- I was encouraged by my friend.
- I started to be critical and then remembered that might tear down so I decided not to speak. I also have been trying not to gossip.
- Rather than saying something mean back, I try not to say anything.
- I told my friend that it hurts my feelings when she says I'm weird or stupid.
- I have to say "I forgive you" lots of times in my mind before the hurts goes away. It is hard sometimes but I want to think love word and good thoughts too.
- I wrote down the nice things that my mom, sister, teachers, friends said to me in my Love-Speak journal.
- When my classmate said something mean to me, I decide to forgive right away and then think I will bless you anyway.
- I simply touch my heart and then my lips after someone say something that's not nice.
- Art is a great way to me to think about the colors and pictures of love words.
- My mom and dad and teacher say they are proud of me sometimes.